Sri Eshwar Engineering College




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Over the last decade, Electronics and Communication systems have become an integral part of our lives like never before. The modern-day sophistication enjoyed by the common public, like smart phones, incredibly thin computing devices, Ultra HD Television systems, interconnected wireless nodes, etc., is the outcome of innovations of world’s best Electronic and communication engineers.

The technological advancements in this field have shrunk the distance between continents, making global communication an affordable one for even a common citizen. The powerful fusion of VLSI, IoT and Networking has propelled the Electronics and Communication sector onto an accelerated growth trajectory, paving the way for extensive career prospects for emerging Electronics engineers.


Sri Eshwar’s ECE programme is supported by a team of right blend of rich technical knowledge and experienced faculty members to ensure students receive robust education in essential subjects such as Circuit Theory, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Digital Systems, Antennas, Communication Systems, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing, VLSI Technology, Wireless Communication, and Programming skills to meet the demands of the Hardware and Software industry. Moreover, students gain exposure to cutting-edge advancements in latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Machine Learning, and modern EDA tools, aligning them with current industry demands and technological trends.


With the Central Government’s “Make in India” policy, the Electronics manufacturing industry is poised to have exponential growth in India in the next decade and the ECE students will have abundant opportunities to contribute to that growth. The field of ECE is emerging as one of the most prominent fields of engineering studies with substantial demand for ECE engineers all over the world. Upon acquiring the core competencies in Electronics and Communication Engineering and its latest EDA tools, the students will be able to start their career as Embedded System Engineers, Electronics design engineers, Network engineers, Software developers, System Control Engineer, Electronics desing and development engineer, Electronics Engineer.


To groom students into futuristic and globally competent Electronics and Communication engineering professionals.


To impart quality education with moral and ethical values to develop competent engineers, leaders and successful entrepreneurs

To establish state-of-art infrastructure and provide opportunities to update on emerging tools and technologies

To empower the faculty towards excellence in teaching – learning, consultancy, research and development activities

To foster socially relevant and industry oriented innovation among students.


  • PEO1: Pursue career in multinational organizations, research organizations and core industries, higher studies at premier institutions and establish start-ups.
  • PEO2: Acquire core competencies in Electronics and Communication Engineering and exposure to latest Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools.
  • PEO3: Exhibit professional skills and collaborative work experience.
  • PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, computing, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to develop the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions with consideration for sustainable development.
  • PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design creative solutions for complex engineering problems and design/develop systems/components/processes to meet identified needs with consideration for public health and safety, whole-life cost, net zero carbon, culture, society, and environment as required.
  • PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Conduct investigations of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge including design of experiments, modelling, analysis & interpretation of data to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Engineering Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering & IT tools, including prediction and modelling recognizing their limitations to solve complex engineering problems.
  • PO6: The Engineer and The World: Analyze and evaluate societal and environmental aspects while solving complex engineering problems for its impact on sustainability with reference to economy, health, safety, legal framework, culture, and environment.
  • PO7: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, human values, diversity and inclusion; adhere to national & international laws.
  • PO8: Individual and Collaborative Teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse/multi-disciplinary teams.
  • PO9: Communication: Communicate effectively and inclusively within the engineering community and society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations considering cultural, language, and learning differences.
  • PO10: Project Management and Finance: Apply knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, and to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO11: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability for i) independent and life-long learning ii) adaptability to new and emerging technologies and iii) critical thinking in the broadest context of technological change.
  • PSO1:Interpret and Design Electronic systems using Internet of Things, VLSI Technology and Efficient signal processing algorithms
  • PSO2:Apply knowledge to solve challenges in Communication Systems and Networks


Naming a few of our advisories working in top companies, who help us align our courses and curriculum to what the industry needs. Through ongoing knowledge sharing, guidance and expert advice, they play an important role in shaping our students to become industry-ready professionals.


System PR Robert Bosch India (P) Ltd

Dr.Shriram K Vasudevan

Lead-Technical Evangelist, Intel

Mr. R.Vigneshwaran

Sr.Manager- Software, VVDN Technologies

Mr.Pragadeesh R

KLA-Tencor Networks



  • Electron Devices and Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory
  • Digital System Design Laboratory
  • Microprocessor and Embedded Systems Laboratory
  • Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
  • Communication Systems Laboratory
  • VLSI Design Laboratory
  • Computer Networks and Security Laboratory
  • Microwave and Optical Communication Laboratory
  • Programming Languages Laboratory


  • Functional Electronics and PCB Prototyping
  • RTL Design using Verilog
  • ASIC Design and Verification
  • Mastering Advanced Microcontrollers
  • Edge Computing and IoT Integration
  • Data Visualization Strategies for IOT 
  • CISCO Routing and Switching Certification (CCNA)
  • Exploring Generative AI


  • Experiential Learning through tools and simulations
  • Hands-on learning through Digital prototyping using TinkerCAD
  • Think-pair-share
  • Hands-on coding and simulation
  • Collaborative Learning through the Jigsaw Method
  • Problem-Based Learning (PBL) with GATE Questions
  • Concept mapping and analysis
  • Cloud based collaborative learning using Colab
  • Flowchart based problem solving using Raptor
  • Interactive Code Debugging with GDB Compiler

Head of the department

Professor & Head of the Department


Dr.Sudha Mohanram

Professor & Principal


Professor & Dean





Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr.B.Sakthi Kumar

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor



Research work is a big part of every department at Sri Eshwar. Here’s the roundup of the research work – publications, patents, grants, seed funds, consultancy projects and the scholars/supervisors for the department





grants &
seed funds

consultancy projects


Each department has connections with relevant industry professionals, tie-ups through MOUs with companies in order to facilitate Internships, Industry visits, Projects, Knowledge Sharing Expert Sessions by industry experts. This greatly helps us bring in the industry-perspective into the courses being taught and a hands-on learning for the students.









Professor & Head, ECE
Email: [email protected]

Dept. Office Secretary, ECE
Email: [email protected]


B.E. M.E. Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Sensor and Adhoc networks, Optimization in Communication Networks, Wireless networks and Cybersecurity

Dr.L. Raja has completed his undergraduate degree B.E- ECE in 2001, Postgraduate degree M.E. Applied Electronics in 2006 and Doctor of Philosophy in 2018. He has several International conference and reputed journalpublications like Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor and Francis, He is a life time member of ISTE, IEANG, SDIWC. Hereceived financial seminar grant from SERB and ISRO for Rs.3 Lakhs. He has 9 patent publications under his credit.He is also a recipient of 4 STAR awards from NPTEL-Swayam under the titles as Disciple STAR, Motivated Learners,NPTEL Domain Scholars, NPTEL Believers.


B.E. M.E. Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Wireless Communication, Machine learning, Wireless Networks Adhoc and Sensor Networks, Cybersecurity

Dr.N.Kumareshan has completed his UG and PG from affiliated institutes of Anna University, Chennai, He has completed his Ph.D. in the field of Wireless Communication (Information and Communication Engineering) in Anna University, Chennai. At present he is working towards Sensor Networks and Machine Learning algorithms. He has published more than 50 research papers in reputed national and international journals and conferences. He is a recognized research supervisor under Anna University, Chennai and currently guiding 9 research scholars. He is active member in IEEE. He has 9 Patent publications under his credit.

Dr.R.Michaelraj Kingston

B.E. M.E. Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Error Control Coding, Signal Processing and Communication Networks

Dr. Michaelraj Kingston ROBERTS received his Ph.D in Information and Communication Engineering from ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI (PSG College of Technology) in 2015. He has published more than 40 research papers in reputed Journals and Conferences including 23 SCI-indexed Journals. He received the Early Career Research (ECR) Award from the Science and Engineering Research Board of INDIA in the year 2017. Also, he serves as a reviewerfor more than 50 reputed SCI journals belonging to IET, Science Direct, Springerlink, IEEE Transactions, Taylor and Francis, Wiley and IOS Press Journals. Reviewer in SCI-Indexed (WEB OF SCIENCE) Journals.


B.E. M.E. Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Wireless Sensor Networks, Optimization in communication networks, wireless networks, Cybersecurity

Dr.C Venkataramanan has completed his undergraduate degree B.E- ECE in 2006, Postgraduate degree M.E – Communication Systems in 2010 and Doctor of Philosophy in 2017. He has several International conference andreputed journal publications like Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor and Francis, He is a recognized research supervisor under Anna University, Chennai and currently guiding 7 research scholars. He is a life time member of ISTE, IEANG,IGEN. He has 6 patent publications under his credit.

Dr.K.Mohaideen Abdul Kadhar

B.E.M.Tech. Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Control System, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless sensor networks.

Dr. K. Mohaideen Abdul Kadhar earned his B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Bharath Institute of Science and Technology, Tamilnadu, India, in 2005, followed by an M. Tech in Control and Instrumentation from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, in 2009. He completed his PhD at Thiagarajar College of Engineering from 2011 to 2015. Dr. Kadhar received both junior and senior research fellowships under the Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF) Scheme from the University Grants Commission (UGC), Delhi. Dr.Kadhar has authored more than 15 papers in high-impact factor journals and has published two books focusing on evolutionary optimization, robust controller design, and industrial vision systems. He has delivered numerous guest lectures on the application of Evolutionary Algorithms for various engineering applications and has chaired sessions at national and international conferences. Dr. Kadhar serves as a reviewer and guest editor for esteemed international journals including IEEE, IEEE Access, Applied Soft Computing, Soft Computing, and Artificial Intelligence Review journals. He has offered consultancy work for various industries, such as Sakthi Auto Components, Bi-metal Bearings, Syrma Technologies, and, developing machine vision systems to meet their specific requirements. He has filed and published more than 5 patents, with one patent granted by the Indian Patent Office. His research interests include the development of new evolutionary algorithms, engineering optimization, multi-objective optimization, robust controller design, signal processing, deep learning , computer vision,data analytics, and wireless sensor networks.


B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Image Processing, Communication, VLSI, Networks

Dr. N. Muthukumaran was born in Kaniyakumari, Tamilnadu, India, in 1984. Received B.E, M.E and Ph.D Degree from Anna University, Chennai, India in 2007, 2010 and 2015 respectively. He is a recognized Ph.D Supervisor under Anna University, Chennai. He has successfully guided 4 PhD Scholars and currently guiding 10 Ph.D. He has published 26 Utility patent, Grant certificate received from 13 Indian design Patent and 13 International UK Patent, 3 copy right. He has 2997+ Google scholar Citations which include 36 h-index and I-10 index – 50. He has 1590+Scopus Citations which include 26 h-index. Published more than 96 International Journals which include 69 Scopus Indexed Journals, (SCI- 26 (Q1= 4, Q2= 11, Q3= 9, Q4= 2)) like Springer, IEEE, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Tech Science Press and Elsevier Publications and 84 National/International conferences papers. He has supervised and evaluated 48 candidates for their M.E and Ph.D Doctoral thesis. He has published 13 International Books across the world in various Countries. He has received 5 grants worth of Rs. 54,00,000 /- (Fifty Four Lakhs). (DST FIST- 1,STTP -2, TNSCST- 2). He is recognized for his achievements in Research and awarded with World's Top 2% Scientist’s award prepared by Stanford University based on Elsevier and Scopus publications and citations on 2023,2022 and 2021. He is also awarded with World Top 2% Scientist research award and University Rankings 2023,2022, 2021 and 2020 from AD Scientific Index. He is serving as Editorial and Reviewer Board Member of 28 International Journals. He possess life time member in more than 14 various professional societies.


B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Medical Electronics, Communication systems, Signal/Image processing

Dr.L.Priya has completed her UG-Electronics and Communication Engineering in the year 2002 at Bharathiyar University and PG ME-Applied Electronics at PSG College of technology in the year 2009 and awarded Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering at Anna University in the year 2016. She has worked as a Principal Investigator of Department of Science and Technology-Biomedical device and Technology Development Programme sponsored research project titled “Design and Development of Micro Automatic Positive Airway Pressure system” during 2018- 2021. She has also worked as a Principal Investigator of consultancy project titled ”Design of Automatic Positive Airway Pressure Device” and the technology has been transferred to Roots Group of Companies, Coimbatore, during 2017-2019.She had a registration of design tilted “Distal Radius Fracture Reduction Device“ on 29.03.2018and “IOT based wearable medical monitoring device” on 08.04.2023 and “Assistive Device for Wrist Reduction surgery” on28.10.2023.She received the Best paper award titled” A smart knee pain relief pad based on vibration andalternate heating and cooling treatments“ in the International conference on Innovative Research in science,Technology and Management is held at National University of Singapore,Singaporeon17.9.2017.She had 35 number of research publications in the International and National journals. She is working as a Reviewer in the IEEE Sensors Journal, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Journal of Medical imaging and Health Informatics, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, Indian Journal of Science and Technology and Asian Journal of Orthopedic Research. She had also worked on a consultancy project titled, ”Wearable knee pain relief system” with Prashan Medical Technologies, Coimbatore. She is a Lifetime member of ISTE and BMESI. Developed the prototypes such as Smart knee pain relief pad, Automatic Positive Pressure Device, Wrist reduction assistive device, Micro Automatic Positive Pressure Device and Indoor and Outdoor electrically assisted wheelchair for amputees and paralytic patients etc., Collaboration with Dr.G.K.Ananathasuresh, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore for the modeling, design and fabrication of microblowers for micro apap system. Guided student projects and won the award in the Smart India Hackathon, Dr.Abdul kalam young achiever award 2023,TI India Innovation Challenge, TITAN-HACKTHON, Sahajanad Laser technology suhruta Innovation and Technovator.

Dr.S.Sheeba Rani Gnanamalar


Areas of Specialization

Bio-medics, Sensor Instrumentation, Outcome based Education

Dr. S. Sheeba Rani leverages 20 years of experience in teaching excellence with majors in Embedded Systems and Engineering Education. With impactful research metrics of Scopus H-index 14 and over 800 citations, she has authored 12 books and holds 15 patents. She is a noted keynote speaker in Embedded Systems and Outcome-based Education in various AICTE/ISTE/TEQIP-sponsored Faculty development Programmes. She is a professional body member of IACSIT, IAENG and ISTE.


Dr.A.Babu Karuppiah

B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Wireless Sensor Networks

Dr.A.Babu Karuppiah is passionate about leveraging technology to create prototypes that address pressing societal issues. He has guided several students to participate in and received numerous accolades in various project competitions. Notably, one of the project received first prize from the District Collector of Madurai at the district-level project competition "Skill Summit 2017" for the project on "Block Detection in Sewage System and Removal Using Snake Technique". He was also a finalist in the prestigious 8th India Innovation Initiative – i3 National Fair 2016 and won the first prize at the district level for the "Biometric Assisted e-Health Record for Pregnant Women and Chronic Patients" project in 2015. He had acted as Principal Investigator for several projects, titled “Biometric Assisted e -Health Record for Pregnant Women and Chronic Patients linking Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and Government Hospitals using Cloud Computing” funded by MSME for a worth of Rs.10 lakhs (July 2023), project titled “Lifesaving IoT-based Hazardous Gas Monitoring and Drainage Block Detection & Removal System to Prevent Manual Scavenging” funded by MSME for a worth of Rs.15 lakhs (June 2022), a DST-funded project titled “Lifesaving IoT- based Hazardous Gas Monitoring and Drainage Block Detection & Removal System to Prevent Manual Scavenging” worth Rs.10 lakhs (February 2019). He has received a grant of Rs.15.42 lakhs for a project titled “Decentralized Grid Computing for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks for Military Personnel” from DRDO, New Delhi (February 2014) and anther grant of Rs.5.26 lakhs to organize an AICTE-sponsored two-week FDP on “Deep Learning and IoT” (November 2019). He hold 2 patents under his credit. He has won second prize in the “MY” program conducted by Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai (April 2016 and first prize in the district-level project competition, “The Honourable Chief Minister's Award for Excellence in eGovernance” for the project titled “Biometric Assisted e – Health Record for Pregnant Women and Chronic Patients linking Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and Government Hospitals using Cloud Computing” (November 2015). He has actively participated in contests conducted by Toastmasters International Club. He is also a finalist in the Best Techno Faculty category conducted by ICTACT, Tamil Nadu during the ICTACT Bridge 2014 conference (February 2014).


B.E, M.E, Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

VLSI Design, Networking, Design Thinking

Dr.V.V.Teresa received her B.E degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), M.E degree in VLSI Design from Karpagam
University and Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna
University,Chennai. She has received AICTE funding for the Scheme -Promoting Interests,
Creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES) in the year 2022. She has acted as Resource
person for a SERB- Three day National level workshop on Emerging Trends in Power
Electronics, Energy Storage and Renewable Technologies (PEESRT) for E-Transportation in
India, also invited as Resource person for ICSSR Sponsored “Two-day National webinar on
Effective Utilization of Renewable Energy for Smart Cities”. She has published more than 25
journals,3 book chapters and 3 patents. She has also organized several workshops,
seminars, interaction programmes on health, safety, literacy, entrepreneurship, legal rights
for women, Women empowerment and gender equity programs under Women’s Welfare
Committee and POSH Cell. She has coordinated the flagship events like Technovanza for two
consecutive years and Technovista a National level technical symposium under Sri Eshwar’s
Technical Club. Her Research area includes Low power VLSI, Image processing, Biomedical
Instrumentation. She is a professional body member of SSI, IETE, IAENG and IGEN.

Dr. S.Dhanasekar


Areas of Specialization

VLSI Design, Signal Processing, Wireless Communication, Optical Communication and Artificial Neural Networks.

Dr.S.Dhanasekar received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu, India in 2004 and received his M.S Degree in VLSI CAD from Manipal Centre for Information Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka, India in 2006. He worked as R & D Engineer (VLSI and DSP Division) in Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has completed his Ph.D. degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India in 2019. He is currently working as Associate Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. He has 15 years of Teaching Experience and 2 years of Industry Experience. He had published more than 45 articles in the reputed SCI, Scopus and Web of Science Journals. He is reviewer of Scopus and Web of Science Journals. He has published a Scopus Indexed book in the Neuro computing Systems. He is a reviewer in many journals such as IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, IGI Global and Wiley Journals and has reviewed more than 80 research papers. He is an active member in IEEE, ISTE, IET, and IAENG. His teaching & research interests includes Low power VLSI design, Signal processing, Optical Communication and Artificial Neural Networks.

Dr. Rajesha Narasimha Murthy

B.E., M.Tech., PhD

Areas of Specialization

Real Time Operating System, Linux Device Drivers, JavaFX, Wireless Sensor Networks

Dr. Rajesha Narasimha Murthy is a dynamic and forward-thinking professional with a passion for technology and innovation. He is an enthusiastic administrator with 12+ years of experience in CSR projects, skill development, and technical training (RedHat Academy). He raised more than 41 lakhs of liquid funds and received 22 lakhs worth of products from different funding agencies for CSR, skill development, and laboratory upgrading. He obtained his B.E.(Electronics and Communication) degree from Visveswaraiah Technological University, Belagavi, India, in 2009 and his M.Tech. (Digital Electronics and Communication) degree from Visveswaraiah Technological University, Belagavi,India, in 2011. He completed his doctorate in 2017 at Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu. He is a lifetime member of ISTE. He has published more than 45 papers in reputed journals.



B.E, M.E, Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Quantum Computing, VLSI Signal Processing, Image Processing, Cryptography.

Dr.M.Mohan Kumar is working as Associate Professor, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. He will complete his Ph.D., at Anna University, Chennai in 2020. He did his Master of Engineering in VLSI Design from Anna Univ. He has a total of 15 years of experience in teaching. She guided many projects at UG levels. He has published various papers in the area of wireless networks. Quantum Computing, VLSI Signal Processing, Image Processing, Cryptography. His research areas include Quantum Computing, VLSI Signal Processing, Image Processing, Cryptography. Acted as reviewer in several international journals. He is a Lifetime member in ISTE.Received a funding grant of Rs.9,969,000 from DRDO on the project title “Development of Quantum computer simulator and implementation of Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Cryptography applications” in the period of July-2022 to August 2024.Published 20+ research articles in Scopus journals & Conferences and attended 10 faculty development programs.


B.E, M.E, Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Low power VLSI Design, Quantum Computing, Internet of Things

Dr. T. Thamaraimanalan received a PhD in Information and Communication Engineering at Anna University,Chennai. He received a Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Technology from Anna University, Chennai. He served as department NBA coordinator twice. Furthermore, he is the author/co-author of more than 30 papers in journals, conferences, and book chapters, including Elsevier Cognitive Systems Research, Springer National Academy of Science Letters, Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, MDPI Sensors, Sustainability and IETE Journal of Research. He is a reviewer in many journals such as IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis,Wiley, Emerald, and IGI Global Journals and has reviewed more than 100 research papers. He serves as Lead GuestEditor in Scopus/EI indexed Journals. He is currently a professional society member of IEEE, ISTE, IET, WASET,and IAENG. He received a research grant of 99.69 Lakhs from DRDO, the Best Faculty Award and Emerging Researcher Award for his contribution towards teaching and research.



Areas of Specialization

Biomedical Instrumentation,Clinical Research,Medical image processing, VLSI Design

He has received a grant of Rs.3.50 Lakhs for ATAL FDP in the year 2024 and has received funding from DST-SERB under Travel Grant Scheme in the year 2023 for attending International conference in South Korea. He has completed 4 NPTEL courses. He has received Appreciation certificate from Vijay TV. He has publication of more than 5 Patents and 1 patent granted under his credit. He is currently reviewer for more than 8 journals. He has acted as a recourse person for various outreach programs. He had been a Scrutiny member for framing GATE syllabus for B.E Biomedical Engineering. He has authored a book under the title “Wireless networks” in the year 2023 in IOP publication.

Dr.D.Sathish Kumar


Areas of Specialization

Communication Systems, Microstrip patch antenna, Photonic Crystals

Dr.D. Sathish Kumar obtained B.E (ECE) in the year 2008 and completed his M.E (Communication Systems) in the year 2011. He completed his PhD in the year 2023 under Anna University, Chennai. He is a life time member of IETE and ISTE. He has published 40+ papers from the reputed journals like SPIE, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, IEEE conferences, etc.

Dr.S.Dhana Sekaran


Areas of Specialization

Communication systems

Dr. S. Dhana Sekaran received his BE degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2008 from Sri Balaji Chock lingam Engineering College, Arani, Tamil Nadu, India. He completed his ME in Communication Systems in 2010 from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. He completed his PhD in the year 2022 from Anna University Chennai in the area of Communication systems. He is currently working as Associate Professor in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. He has around 14 years of teaching experience. He is a life time member of ISTE. He has published more than 30 articles in reputed journal

Dr.V.Anand Kumar


Areas of Specialization

Communication,VLSI Signal Processing,Internet of Things

Dr. V. ANAND KUMAR did his Master’s Degree in Applied Electronics from SSN College of Engineering, Chennai &Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from JCET during 2010 & 2008, respectively. He completed his PhD at Anna University, Chennai under Information and Communication Engineering. He is aProfessional member of IETE, ISTE. He has published several papers in the area of Communication, IoT and Signal Processing.

Dr.C.Suganthi Evangeline


Areas of Specialization

Vehicular Communication

Dr . C. Suganthi Evangeline received her B.E degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) from Anna University in 2010, M.E degree in Communication Systems from Coimbatore Institute of Technology in 2012,and Ph.D. from Vellore Institute of Technology in 2022. She is serving as an Academic Editor in PLOS ONE Journal (IF: 3.7, SCIE). Her research areas include Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Communication, Wireless Ad hoc networks, Blockchain Technology, vehicular communication, and the Internet of Vehicles. She is the author of the book "A Beginners Guide for Machine Learning Models with Python Environment” published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. She instructed courses for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Computer Networks, Electronics Devices and Circuits, Linear Integrated Circuits, and Wireless Communication. She also contributed as a reviewer in many reputed journals, delivered guest lectures in workshops and conferences at various institutions. She possess strong skills in Circuit Design, Microcontrollers, NS-2, C/C++, Embedded C; Cortex M4/ARM Programming, Keil uvision; Python; MATLAB; Networking; Data visualization; Data Analysis; Technical Writing.



Areas of Specialization

Embedded System, Internet of Things, Machine Learning

Dr .S.Ramalingam has completed B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering in the year 2010, receivedM.E. in VLSI Design in the year 2014. He has obtained Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering fromAnna University, Chennai. He has been recognized as Research supervisor under Anna University and currently guiding 3 research scholars. He has more than 20 research publications in reputed and SCI journals under his credit.He is serving as an active mentor for guiding student projects in Embedded system and IoT domain.




Areas of Specialization

Wireless Communication, Embedded Systems

Dr.Tamilselvi P completed her B.E (ECE) in the year 1999 at Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode and M.E., under Communication Systems domain in 2005 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. She has obtained the Ph.D degree from Anna University in 2019, for her research on Mobile Adhoc Networks.



M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Low Dimensional Semisonducting Systems, Nanotechnology- solar cell, electrochemical sensors, Supercapacitors

Dr.V.Kiruthika is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of ECE
at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. She had worked as Assistant
Professor in the department of ECE at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College and also
as a senior software engineer at Capgemini. She had received funding of Rs.1,00,000
for organizing online ATAL FDP. She had organized various hands on training and
generated revenue to the department. She published three patents and papers in SCI,
Scopus Journals and Conferences. She had acted as resource person in various
engineering and polytechnic colleges. She received best paper award in a conference
organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology. She is a dedicated
member of ISTE and IETE.


M.E, (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

VLSI Design,Networking

Mr.J.Dhanasekar received his B.E-ECE degree in the year 2011 at Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi (Anna University, Coimbatore and completed his M.E.(VLSI Design) at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore in the year 2013. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree in the area of Power reduction in Memory circuits under Anna University, Chennai (Thesis Submitted). He is a lifetime member of ISTE and IAENG. His research areas include power reduction in VLSI circuits, Image Processing and Network Security. He has published 20+ papers in reputed journals and IEEE conferences, etc. He has received 5 years of service badge in 2018 and 10 years of service badge in 2024 for active participation in CISCO Networking academy.



M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Antennas theory, Transmission Lines, Waveguides and Wearable Devices

She is BEC Preliminary certified with a score of 152. BULATS certified with the overall band of C1/4+. She has aspirations to train students in interpersonal skills and be an active researcher in the field of Antenna design. Her research expertise is in designing wearable biosensing antennas which can benefit translational research. She has published the research findings in quality SCI journals and presented her research work outcomes at international conferences held abroad. Student projects guided by her has won first runner up at L&T Techgium 2024 with a cash prize of Rs.5 Lakhs, received BEST ANSYS AWARD for 3 consecutive years at SRISHTI – SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kerala with Cash Prize – Rs.10,000, won First Prize in the i4.0'22 Hackathon on Predictive Maintenance Conducted by Maxbyte Technologies at PSG College of Technology with a cash prize of Rs.1 Lakh. She has guided projects in collaboration with premier institutions like ISRO, IITs and NITs. She has received an appreciation from Texas Instruments for fostering an ecosystem bridging Government, industry, and academia as Mentor. She has been recognized as a reviewer for IEEE International Conferences in few IITs and universities across the nation. A life member of ISTE and holds IEEE professional membership.She has done several online certification courses from Coursera and NPTEL.



Areas of Specialization

Electrical Machines, Drives, Drone Technology

Mr. E.Venugopal has received his Bachelor Degree (ECE) at Kings College of Engineering, Pudukottai and his Master Degree (Power Electronics and Drives) at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore.


M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

Areas of Specialization

Wireless sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and VANET

K.Suganyadevi Presently working as an Assistant Professor(Sl.Gr) in Electronics and Communication Engineering department at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA. She is enthusiastic leader and having 15+ years of experience in teaching.Initially graduating in ECE department from Maharaja Prithvi Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA and then M.E from Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA. Currently, Pursuing PhD in the area of wireless networks and communications under Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, INDIA. Besides, 30+ B.E projects supervised, Published 40+ papers in reputed International Journals and International Conferences. She has attended 15+ Workshops on networking,embeddded systems,IoT etc., conducted by various Institutions. Her researh area includes Wireless sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and VANET. She also contributed as a reviewer in many reputed journals like Wiley, Science direct, Scimago and more. She acts as a Deputy IQAC head, Department Coordinator of NBA, NAAC, Budget and Governing Council meeting. She acts as a Theory/Practical Examiner and Evaluator for various Anna University affiliated Institutions. Lifetime member of ISTE, IETE and IEEE.

Mr.M.Vivek Kumar

B.E., M.E., (Ph.D).,

Areas of Specialization

Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, IoT & Machine Learning, Design Thinking

Mr. M. Vivek Kumar has 12+ years of experience including academics and entrepreneurial ecosystem. He is currently working as an Asst. Professor (Sl. Gr.) in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. He received his Bachelor of Engineering in 2010 from Anna University, Regional Campus Coimbatore, his Master of Engineering in 2013 from Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, and pursuing his PhD in Information and Communication Engineering at Anna University, Chennai. He is the IIC startup coordinator of the institution and department coordinator for innovation, consultancy, and entrepreneurship activities. Additionally, he is recognized as an Official Master Trainer by the Entrepreneurship Development Innovation Institute (EDII-TN), Government of Tamilnadu where he educates students, faculty members and industrial experts on innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. He has 25+ publications including collaboration with foreign authors and 1 patent. He got 13 Lakhs funding approved by MSME for the project Exterior Wall Painting. He has delivered 75+ sessions on Design Thinking, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Technologies and served as a Jury member in leading National and International Hackathons. He is also an advisory board member for few industries, startups and educational institutions. His areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks.


B.E.,M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Embedded System, IoT, Robotics

A.RAMESH is working as Assistant Professor (Sl. Gr), Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. He is pursuing his Ph.D in cloud robotics at Anna University, Chennai. He did his Master of Engineering in Embedded System Technologies in Anna University & Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, under Anna University during 2010 & 2007, respectively. He has 14 years of Teaching and Research experience which includes both UG, and PG. He also guided many projects at UG & PG levels. He made students to participate in high level competitions like, TI-IICDC 2018 Semifinals at IIM-Bangalore, KPIT Sparkle 2017 Finals at Pune, Buoyanci Innovation Challenge 2019 Finals, Inter-college project competitions. He is also interested in entrepreneurial activities. He has published papers in the area of IoT and robotics. His primary research interests include Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, and Robotics.



Areas of Specialization

Embedded System, Remote Sensing, Drone Technology

Mr.M.Mahaboob received his Bachelor Degree (ECE) at Institute of road and Transport Technology, Erode and his Master Degree (Applied Electronics) from Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore. He is currently pursuing his research work in the area of Remote sensing. He has a Lifetime Associate member in IETE & ISTE. He was commissioned as an Associate NCC Officer (Army Wing) on 25 November 2021. He has published 9 research articles in Scopus indexed journals & Conferences and has 1 Patent publication under his credit.


B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Basic Electrical Engineering, Electric Drives, Applied Electronics

Mr.B.Gokulavasan received his Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2003 and received his Master of Engineering Degree in Applied Electronics in 2008. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D Degree at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore from 2021. He had published more than 15 articles in the reputed SCI and Scopus Journals. He has a research metrics of Scopus H-index 4 and over 35 citations. He holds 2 Patent rights (One Indian and one Australian Patent). He has completed 3 NPTEL Courses. He is a Professional Body Member of ISTE and IAENG.



Areas of Specialization

VLSI Design

Mr.Parthipan.V received his B.E. Degree under Anna University in 2008 and M.E (VLSI Design) from Kongu Engineering College in 2010. His research areas include Low Power VLSI Design and System Design. He is a lifetime member of ISTE. He has published more than 10 papers in reputed Scopus indexed Journals and presented 5+ papers in various International Conferences. He has published 1 patent.




Areas of Specialization


Ms.B.Anuradha has completed 2 NPTEL Certifications with Elite Grade and has completed the CCNA level 1 certification. She has published patents, articles in SCI and Scopus indexed journals.


Ms.D.Faridha Banu

B.E., M.E., (Ph.D).,

Areas of Specialization

Networking and Wireless communication

Mrs.D.Faridha banu is pursuing her Ph.D in wireless networks at Anna University, Chennai. She did her Master of Engineering in Applied Electronics at Anna University Regional campus, Coimbatore in 2017 & received herBachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering under Anna University in 2007. She has worked as a Senior Tech support Executive in Sutherland global services Chennai. She has guided several student projects at UG levels and she has made students to participate in high level competitions. Under mentorship, a student team has won 2nd prize in Ninjacart Agri-tech 36 hour hackathon held at Bangalore on 28.04.2024. Her research areas include Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Wireless networking. She has acted as reviewer in several international journals. She is a Life member in IAENG & ISTE. She is a CISCO certified Instructor for CCNA level 1 and level 2 courses offered by CISCO Networking Academy. She has published 12 research articles in Scopus indexed journals & Conferences. She has received a “PATENT GRANT” for an invention entitled " System and Method for Managing and Sowing Seeds Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” and a DESIGN PATENT GRANT for an invention entitled “COMPOST SPRAYING DRONE”. She has acted as Resource person for a Virtual expertise talk on "Networking layers and Concepts used in Data communication” organized by Jai Shriram college of Engineering, Tirupur.


B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

VLSI Design, Microelectronics, Semiconductor device modeling

Mr.M.Saravanan received his B.E. degree in Electrical and Electronics at Coimbatore Institute of Technology- Coimbatore, India in 2006 and Master's in VLSI Design from Anna University Coimbatore in 2009. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree at SRM University, Chennai. His research includes VLSI design, Nano-Electronics, and Semiconductor devices. He has strong exposure in EDA tools like Cadence, Xilinx, etc. He has trained students on Front-end and Back-end in VLSI domain and has successfully helped students to get placed in core Semiconductor companies. He is also a senior member of IEEE, Associate Member of IETE and Life-Member of ISTE. He has received Best Mentor Award from Texas Instruments-2018, for motivating a greater number of students to participates and qualify to quarter final for Project contest. Also he has been awarded with Best faculty Award from GISR Foundation, for Publication and ten-year service in Professional, October 2020. He has received Industry Readiness Faculty Award from Texas Instruments for successful participation in Ti Embedded System Design Using MSP430 MOOC Course.

Ms.M.Ishwarya Niranjana

M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

VLSI Design, Quantum Dot Cellular Automata, Embedded & IoT

Ms.M. Ishwarya Niranjana received her B.E (ECE) Degree in the year 2013 and M.E (VLSI Design) in the year 2015.She is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Wireless Sensor Network under Anna University Chennai. She is a life member of ISTE. She has published more than 20+ papers in reputed Scopus indexed Journals and presented morethan 15 papers in various International Conferences. She has published 2 patents. She has undergone Innovation Ambassador training (Advanced level) by MoE Innovation cell and AICTE. She is the author of the book “Python programming made easy” by AASAN Publications in 2023.


B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

PCB Design, Embedded System, Engineering Teaching Pedagogy

Mr.S.Surenderkumar received his B.E degree in Electrical and Electronics in the year 2004 and M.E in Applied Electronics from Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore in 2011. Currently, he is pursuing his Doctorate focusing on AR/VR for Immersive audio applications under Anna University, Chennai. He has conducted several hands-on training programs on PCB Design and adopted innovative teaching learning techniques. He is a lifetime member of ISTE.


Ms.A.Shanmuga Priya

M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Digital System Design, Embedded Systems and IOT, Communication Systems

Ms.A.Shanmugapriya completed her B.E. (ECE) Degree in the year 2012 and her M.E.(Power Electronics and Drives) from Government College of Technology, Coimbatore in the year 2014. She has presented more than 15 papers in various international conferences and published 9 papers in IEEE and indexed in Scopus data base. She has the Lifetime membership of ISRD and ISTE Professional body. She has been completed 2 NPTEL Courses with Elite certification in Digital circuits & Introduction to IoT and acted as mentor for Cloud Computing course. She is specialized in MATLAB, LABVIEW and Simulink tools.


B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Embedded and IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks

Ms.A.Mohanapriya has completed her B.E (ECE) in the year 2016 at Sri Eshwar college of Engineering, Coimbatore.She did M.E.(VLSI Design) in 2018 at Sri Eshwar college of Engineering, Coimbatore. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in the Wireless Sensor Networks domain from Anna University, Chennai from 2024.



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Image Processing, Machine Learning, Biomedical Instrumentation

Ms.T.Nivethitha, is pursuing her PhD in Information and Communication Engineering under Anna University,Chennai. She received her B.E. Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Sriram EngineeringCollege, Chennai and M.E. Degree in Applied Electronics from Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. She also holds an MBA in Human Resource Management from Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. She is a Life member of ISTE, IAENG and ISRD. She has published more than 25 research papers in Conferences and reputed Journals.She has authored numerous Books and Book chapters in Taylor & Francis and Pearson Publications. Her Research interests include Image Processing, Machine Learning, Biomedical Instrumentation, and Semiconductor Modeling.



Areas of Specialization

Quantitative Aptitude , Logical Reasoning , Company pattern Expertise Trainee

Mr.R Sakthikumar started out his career as an Aptitude Trainer at Launchpad LLC between the period of 2011-2012 tp 2014-2015.
Then moved on to Bannari Amman Institute of Technology and worked as Assistant professor cum Aptitude Trainer(2015- 2018).
He then joined at Vel Tech University,Chennai where he had a new prospect in his career (2018-2019) and then he moved on towards Sona College of Technology as an Aptitude trainer.He has had various accolades throughout his career like being awarded for Best Execution,Best Trainer and Star Performer of the year during his novice period in Launchpad LLC. He has aced in Company specific Aptitude Training all through his years of work as a Aptitude Trainer.

Mr.S.Tamil Selvan

M.E., (Ph.D)

Areas of Specialization

Wireless Communication, Renewable energy

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