S.No | Ref. No | Supervisor Name | Department | Research Area | Current Scholar under their supervision | Slot available under their supervision |
1 | 3840016 | Dr.S. Vimal | AI-DS | AI, Data Analytics, Wireless Communication | 5 | 3 |
2 | 4240034 | Dr.G.Sathish Kumar | AI-DS | Data Mining, Machine Learning, Optimization Techniques, Networks and Cloud Computing | 2 | 4 |
3 | 4340035 | Dr M. Nivaashini | AI-DS | Network Security, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence | 0 | 4 |
4 | 4340015 | Dr.M.P. Geetha | AI-DS | Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing. | 0 | 4 |
S.No | Research Centre | Supervisor Name | Anna University Registration number | Scholar Name | Year of Registration | Full time / Part time |
1 | AIDS | Dr. Vimal. S | Mr Saravanan T | 24144891540 | Jan-24 | Part Time |
2 | AIDS | Dr. Vimal. S | Ms Usharani K | 24244891124 | Jan-24 | Part Time |
3 | AIDS | Dr. Vimal. S | Ms Chermakkani C | 24244891391 | Jan-24 | Part Time |
4 | AIDS | Dr. Vimal. S | Ms. Princely .L.P.A | 24144897221 | Jul-24 | Part Time |
5 | AIDS | Dr. Vimal. S | Ms. Judith Varshini J C | 24244597165 | Jul-24 | Full Time |
S.No | Depatment | Name of the Doctorates |
1 | AIDS | Dr. Geetha M P |
2 | AIDS | Dr. Nivaashini M |
3 | AIDS | Dr. Sathish Kumar G |
4 | AIDS | Dr.Dinesh Kumar P |
5 | AIDS | Dr.Lakshmi M |
6 | AIDS | Dr.Thenmozhi M |
7 | AIDS | Dr. Vimal S |
8 | AIDS | Dr.M.Mohammed Mustafa |
9 | AIDS | Dr.T. Kanimozi |
S.No | Publications |
1 | Venkatesh N., Krishna K.S., Geetha M.P., Dave M.R., Kapila D., "An Overview of Automatic Speech Recognition Based on Deep Learning and Bio–Signal Sensors", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1273 LNEE2025, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-8031-0_112 |
2 | Vijaya G., Ramesh K., Sathish Kumar G., "ZFNet and deep Maxout network based cancer prediction using gene expression data", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 100,2025, DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2024.107038 |
3 | Kumar G.S., Suganya E., Sountharrajan S., Balusamy B., Khadidos A.O., Khadidos A.O., Selvarajan S., "SRADHO: statistical reduction approach with deep hyper optimization for disease classification using artificial intelligence", Scientific Reports, 15,12025, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-82838-1 |
4 | Woodward D.; Sujithra L.R.; Nisha P.; Saikia B., "An optimized Indian-General-Elections-Based social science data prediction using multiscale dense nested parallel MobileNetV3 mantis search attention network", International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2025, DOI: 10.1142/S1793962325500217 |
S.No | Publications |
1 | Sampath P., Sasikaladevi N., Vimal S., Kaliappan M., "OralNet: deep learning fusion for oral cancer identification from lips and tongue images using stochastic gradient based logistic regression", Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, 13, (1),2024, DOI: 10.1007/s13721-024-00459-0 |
2 | Nivaashini M., Suganya E., Sountharrajan S., Prabu M., Bavirisetti D.P., "FEDDBN-IDS: federated deep belief network-based wireless network intrusion detection system", Eurasip Journal on Information Security, 2024, (1),2024, DOI: 10.1186/s13635-024-00156-5 |
3 | Nancy P., Rajeshram V., Sathish Kumar G., Dhivya P., "A synergistic framework for histopathologic cancer detection using Epicurve Search –PSB model with surrosec Optimizer", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 96, (2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2024.106498 |
4 | Pandian R., Danasegaran S.K., Lalithakumari S., Rajalakshmi G., Kumar G.S., "Photonic crystal based hour glass patch antenna for the detection of breast cancer", Optical and Quantum Electronics, 56, (5),2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11082-024-06657-4 |
5 | Murugesan M., Dhivya P., Rajesh Kanna P., Sathish Kumar G., "Multi-modal emotion recognition through adaptive normalization fusion with alpha Gaussian dropout in MCNN architecture", Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18, (2),2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11760-023-02847-x |
6 | Sathish Kumar G., Premalatha K., Uma Maheshwari G., Rajesh Kanna P., Vijaya G., Nivaashini M., "Differential privacy scheme using Laplace mechanism and statistical method computation in deep neural network for privacy preservation", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 128, (2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.107399 |
7 | Geetha M.P., Karthika Renuka D., "Deep learning architecture towards consumer buying behaviour prediction using multitask learning paradigm", Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 46, (1),2024, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-231116 |
8 | Sujithra L.R., Praveena V., Karthik S., Kavitha M.S., "Membership Weight Salp Swarm Algorithm (MWSSA) based feature selection and deep learning approach for breast cancer classification of SNP genomics data", Multimedia Tools and Applications, , (2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-024-18672-4 |
9 | Subramani J.; Kumar G.S.; Gadekallu T.R., "Gene-Based Predictive Modelling for Enhanced Detection of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Using CNN-Based DL Algorithm", Diagnostics, 14, (13),2024, DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics14131339 |
10 | Kumar G.S.; Preethie K.; Madhumitha S.; Sushma R.; Nivaashini M., "Data Privacy Preservation using Differential Privacy and Re-Identification Attacks", Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, ICSTEM 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTEM61137.2024.10560868 |
11 | Thenmozhi M.; Shubigsha G.; Sindhuja G.; Dhinakar V., "Sentiment Analysis on Climate Change using Twitter Data", Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networking and Communications 2024, ICNWC 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICNWC60771.2024.10537404 |
12 | Geetha M.P.; Swetha S.; Subitsha M.; Visnupriya K.V., "Gesture Based Sign Language Recognition for Specially Challenged Using Yolov5", Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, ICSTEM 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTEM61137.2024.10560764 |
13 | Thenmozhi M.; Kavya A.; Vishnu M.; Fathima S.I., "Predictive Maintenance of Machine Tools", Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, ICSTEM 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTEM61137.2024.10560666 |
14 | Danasegaran S.K., Britto E.C., Dhanasekaran S., Rajalakshmi G., Lalithakumari S., Sivasangari A., Kumar G.S., "Design and investigation of line-defected photonic crystal antenna for outstanding data transmission", Radar and RF Front End System Designs for Wireless Systems, , (2024, DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0916-2.ch007 |
15 | Nivaashini M., Priyanka G., Aarthi S., "Deep Neural Machine Translation (DNMT): Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture-Based English-to-Indian Language Translation", Automatic Speech Recognition and Translation for Low Resource Languages, , (2024, DOI: 10.1002/9781394214624.ch16 |
16 | Singh S.P., Kumar N., Dhiman G., Vimal S., Viriyasitavat W., "AI-Powered Metaheuristic Algorithms: Enhancing Detection and Defense for Consumer Technology", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/MCE.2024.3442450 |
17 | Kurt Pehlivanoğlu M., Gobosho R.T., Syakura M.A., Shanmuganathan V., de-la-Fuente-Valentín L., "Comparative analysis of paraphrasing performance of ChatGPT, GPT-3, and T5 language models using a new ChatGPT generated dataset: ParaGPT", Expert Systems, 2024, DOI: 10.1111/exsy.13699 |
18 | Pradeepa S., Jomy E., Vimal S., Hassan M.M., Dhiman G., Karim A., Kang D., "HGATT_LR: transforming review text classification with hypergraphs attention layer and logistic regression", Scientific Reports, 1412024, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-70565-6 |
19 | Kanimozhi T., Padmanaban K., Kanchana M., Asha Shiny X.S., "An automated cervical cancer diagnosis model using Y-net and ensemble deep learning model", International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s13198-024-02487-5 |
20 | Nayak J.; Naik B.; Vimal S.; Favorskaya M., "Preface", Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 602024, DOI: |
21 | Sampath P., Jomy E., Kalyanaraman R., Shanmuganathan V., Crespo R.G., Chakrabarti P., "Detecting the Medical Plant Association from PubMed Using Hypergraph-based Clustering with Dominating Set", Information Technology and Control, 5332024, DOI: 10.5755/j01.itc.53.3.35101 |
22 | Thenmozhi M., Sakthimohan M., Elizabeth Rani G., Janani S., Karthigadevi K., Sanjeevi Kumar V., "Elliptic Curve Cryptography: Protecting Healthcare Data in the Digital Age", 5th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems, ICESC 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICESC60852.2024.10689809 |
23 | Singh B.; Sepahvand A.; Sihag P.; Singh K.; Prabha C.; Nag A.; Hassan M.M.; Vimal S.; Kang D., "Development of soft computing-based models for forecasting water quality index of Lorestan Province, Iran", Scientific Reports, 1412024, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-76894-w |
24 | Priyanka G., Nivaashini M., Pavithra S., Srimaha T.S., Kanishgaa P.R., "Early Diagnosis of Schizophrenia in Patients Using Deep Learning Techniques", 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS60874.2024.10717084 |
25 | Pavithra P.M., Balakrishnan M., Anandaraj A., Ramya M., Sudharsan R.R., "An IoT Based Electromyography Signal Transmission from sEMG Electrodes to Client's Server with ICT Infrastructure", 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS60874.2024.10717233 |
26 | Sampath P., Shanmuganathan V., Nayak J., Pasupathi S., Chakrabarti P., Madasamy K., "A knowledge discovery framework for COVID-19 disease from PubMed abstract using association rule hypergraph", Data Science in the Medical Field, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-443-24028-7.00008-8 |
27 | Sampath P., Elangovan G., Ravichandran K., Shanmuganathan V., Pasupathi S., Chakrabarti T., Chakrabarti P., Margala M., "Robust diabetic prediction using ensemble machine learning models with synthetic minority over-sampling technique", Scientific Reports, 1412024, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-78519-8 |
28 | Suganthavalli K., Meenakshi C., Parvathy K., "A novel Approach for optimizing the crop yield by considering climatic and soil features through fusion of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms", 2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICCCNT61001.2024.10724726 |
29 | Pavithra L.K., Subbulakshmi P., Paramanandham N., Vimal S., Alghamdi N.S., Dhiman G., "Enhanced Semantic Natural Scenery Retrieval System Through Novel Dominant Colour and Multi-Resolution Texture Feature Learning Model", Expert Systems, 2024, DOI: 10.1111/exsy.13805 |
30 | Sasikaladevi N., Pradeepa S., Revathi A., Vimal S., Dhiman G., "Anti-Diabetic Therapeutic Medicinal Plant Identification Using Deep Fused Discriminant Subspace Ensemble (D2SE)", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 912024, DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2024.05.003 |
31 | Praveen R.V.S., Vinoth B., Sowmiya S., Tharageswari K., Vamsilala P.N.V., Sathya R., "Air Pollution Monitoring System using Machine Learning techniques for Smart cities", 2nd International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Systems, ICSSAS 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSAS64001.2024.10760948 |
32 | Yamini J., Kanimozhi T., Jenefa A., Bagyalakshmi K., Aarthi K., Dhivya P., "An Optimized Hybrid Deep Learning and IoT-Enabled Health System in Retina Image Analysis for Blindness Detection", 2nd International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Systems, ICSSAS 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSAS64001.2024.10760693 |
33 | Sowmiya S., Srija N., Debnath S.S., "Communications Using Fog Cloud Systems with Interrupted Network Connectivity in Health-Care Emergency", Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 405 SIST,2024, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-6222-4_34 |
34 | Sasikaladevi N., Pradeepa S., Revathi A., Vimal S., Dhiman G., "Anti-Diabetic Therapeutic Medicinal Plant Identification Using Deep Fused Discriminant Subspace Ensemble (D2SE)", International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 9,1, 2024, DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2024.05.003 |
35 | Sirigineedi M., Sowmiya M., Hemavath I.U., Bharathi V.C., Karmode S.S., Sathya R., "Advanced Dual Module Weapon Detection for Public Safety and Surveillance System", 4th International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems, ICSES 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICSES63445.2024.10763055 |
36 | Nivaashini M., Sathish Kumar G., Uma Maheshwari G., Soundariya R.S., Kumar B A., Vijaya G., "Enhanced Heart Disease Classification: An Ensemble-Based Deep Learning Approach", Proceedings - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems: Harmonizing Signals, Data, and Energy: Bridging the Digital Future, SPICES 2024, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/SPICES62143.2024.10779676 |
37 | Sornalakshmi M., Elizabeth Rani G., Sakthimohan M., Thenmozhi M., Amuthaguka D., Sanjeevi Kumar V., "Enhanced Skin Lesion Diagnosis using a Deep Learning Techniques", 8th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICECA63461.2024.10800817 |
38 | Suguna R., Deepa S., Kanimozhi T., Chandru M., Arun G., Harshini M., "Paddy Plant Disease Detection using Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithms", 8th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICECA63461.2024.10801067 |
39 | Sundravadivelu K., Dheenath S., Sakthimohan M., Elizabeth Rani G., Thenmozhi M., "Automated Apple Wax Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks", 8th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2024 - Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/ICECA63461.2024.10800862 |
40 | Nivaashini M.; Dhayal S.R.; Gokul C.; Sanjay V.T.; Sharan M., "PLASTIC IMAGE DETECTION FROM UAV IMAGES USING YOLOV8", IET Conference Proceedings, 2024, DOI: 10.1049/icp.2024.4408 |
S.No | Publications | Year | Dept. |
1 | Devi V.A., Bhuvaneshwarri I., Kumar C.S., Chandrasekar V., Kalaichelvi V., Anitha E., Kumar J., "Reliable and Secure Data Transfer in IoT Networks using Knight-Tour and PHLSB Method", Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 32, (2),2023, DOI: 10.37934/ARASET.32.2.107119 | 2023 | AIDS |
2 | Sumathi S., Madhumitha S., Sushma R., Suriya M., Subitsha M., Swetha S., "Certain Investigations on Cognitive based Movie Recommendation system using Pairwise Cosine Similarity", 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS57279.2023.10112791 | 2023 | AIML |
3 | Suriya M., Rajalakshmi S., Visnupriya K.V., Saravanaa G., Vidya K., Kavya A., Mouliswaran R., "Face Recognition Attendance System", 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS57279.2023.10113114 | 2023 | AIDS |
4 | Duraisamy P., Natarajan Y., Niranjani V., Parvathy K., "Optimized Detection of Continuous Gravitational-Wave Signals using Convolutional Neural Network", 2023 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing, AISP 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/AISP57993.2023.10134809 | 2023 | AIDS |
5 | Suriya M., Anitha E., Sudarssan N., Venu Venkat A., Deepak Saran V.S., Kunguma Sakthivel K., "An Efficient Artificial Intelligence based Human-Machine Interaction System", 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS57279.2023.10112925 | 2023 | AIDS |
6 | Gayathri N., Anandakumar H., Sathya R., Gowri S., "An Investigation on Spectrum Mobility Mechanisms in Cognitive Network Communication", 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS57279.2023.10113068 | 2023 | AIDS |
7 | Gayathri N., Anandakumar H., Gowri S., Keerthika J., Nithyapriya S., "An analysis of Network Security Attacks and their mitigation for Cognitive Radio Communication", 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS57279.2023.10112905 | 2023 | AIDS |
8 | Duraisamy P., Parvathy K., Niranjani V., Natarajan Y., "Improved Recommender System for Kid's Hobby Prediction using different Machine Learning Techniques", 2023 5th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies, ICECCT 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICECCT56650.2023.10179757 | 2023 | AIDS |
9 | Parvathy K., Nataraj B., "An Overview on IoT Architecture Application Layer and Security Threats", Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Smart Technologies, Communication and Robotics 2023, STCR 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/STCR59085.2023.10396885 | 2023 | AIDS |
10 | Parvathy K., Nataraj B., Rajalakshmi S., Duraisamy P., "A Review on Lightweight Cryptographic algorithms in Internet of Things", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications, ICIRCA 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICIRCA57980.2023.10220904 | 2023 | AIDS |
11 | Kumar G.S., Nivaashini M., Maheshwari G.U., Rasi D., Kumar B.M., Arun R., "Convolution Neural Network with Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for Feature Extraction and Brain Tumor Detection in Human beings", 1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science, ICERCS 2023 - Proceedings, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICERCS57948.2023.10434117 | 2023 | AIDS |
12 | Sundaram J., Gowri K., Devaraju S., Gokuldev S., Jayaprakash S., Anandaram H., Manivasagan C., Thenmozhi M., "An exploration of python libraries in machine learning models for data science", Advanced Interdisciplinary Applications of Machine Learning Python Libraries for Data Science, ,2023, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8696-2.ch001 | 2023 | AIDS |
13 | Sarkar J., Rai A., Kumar K.K., Thatha V.N., Manisekaran S., Mandal S., Sarkar J.L., Das S., "Folk Music Recommendation Using NSGA-II Optimization Algorithm", Journal of Computer Science, 19, (12),2023, DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2023.1541.1548 | 2023 | AIDS |
14 | Ezhilarasi K., Hussain D.M., Sowmiya M., Krishnamoorthy N., "Crop Information Retrieval Framework Based on LDW-Ontology and SNM-BERT Techniques", Information Technology and Control, 52, (3),2023, DOI: 10.5755/j01.itc.52.3.31945 | 2023 | AIDS |
15 | Sathish Kumar G., Premalatha K., Uma Maheshwari G., Rajesh Kanna P., "No more privacy Concern: A privacy-chain based homomorphic encryption scheme and statistical method for privacy preservation of user's private and sensitive data", Expert Systems with Applications, 234,2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121071 | 2023 | AIDS |
16 | Anitha E., Navin Prasath M., Sanjai L., Andrea Shiny J.A., Varsini P., "Effective Food Demand Forecasting Using Machine Learning Algorithms", 2023 IEEE Engineering Informatics, EI 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF58110.2023.10520567 | 2023 | AIDS |
17 | Anitha E., Sanjayram R., Madhumita S., Sharan M., Ezhil N., "A Real Time Recognition System for Hand Gesture Language Based on Machine Learning Using SVM Model", 2023 IEEE Engineering Informatics, EI 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF58110.2023.10520384 | 2023 | AIDS |
18 | Thenmozhi M., Rohit K.P.R., Abishake S., Chakkravarthi S., "Chat Master Using DJANGO", 2023 IEEE Engineering Informatics, EI 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF58110.2023.10520387 | 2023 | AIDS |
19 | Sumathi S., Soms N., Gowtham S., Pagalavan M., Hariharan S., "Crowd Estimation Using Sensors for Public Transport (BUSES)", 2023 International Conference on New Frontiers in Communication, Automation, Management and Security, ICCAMS 2023, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICCAMS60113.2023.10525859 | 2023 | AIDS |
20 | Logeshwari R., Velswamy R., Subhashini R., Karunakaran V., "High-Capacity, A Secret Video Sharing Using DM-Stego and Genetic Algorithm", International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Systems, ICSSAS 2023 - Proceedings, ,2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSAS57918.2023.10331753 | 2023 | AIML |
S.No | Publications | Year | Dept. |
1 | Sivasubramanian M., Vignesh J., Senthil Kumar V., Sumathi S., Sathish R., Parasuraman K., Kumar B.S., Kathirvelu M., Bojaraj L., Srihari K., Sbhat N.T., "An Innovative Solution for Battery Draining in 5G Devices Using Alternate Routing Model", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2022,2022, DOI: 10.1155/2022/8924801 | 2022 | AIML |
2 | Mewada S., Saroliya A., Chandramouli N., Kumar T.R., Lakshmi M., Mary S.S.C., Jayakumar M., "Smart Diagnostic Expert System for Defect in Forging Process by Using Machine Learning Process", Journal of Nanomaterials, 2022,2022, DOI: 10.1155/2022/2567195 | 2022 | AIDS |
3 | Suriya M., Sumithra M.G., "Overview of Spectrum Sharing and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation schemes in Cognitive Radio Networks", 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2022, ,2022, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS54159.2022.9785048 | 2022 | AIDS |
4 | Suriya M., Sumithra M.G., "Study of Spectrum Prediction Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks", 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2022, ,2022, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS54159.2022.9785290 | 2022 | AIDS |
5 | Ramani U., Binisha R., Rajasekaran P., Vignesh M., Malini P., Irfan Basha S., "Enhancement of Embedded Controller Firebase Database LabView Interactive IoT Based Production Natural Parameters Monitoring", Proceedings - International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems, ICAISS 2022, ,2022, DOI: 10.1109/ICAISS55157.2022.10011095 | 2022 | AIDS |
6 | Suriya M., Sumithra M.G., "SPECTRUMNET: Cooperative Spectrum Monitoring Using Deep Neural Networks", International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022,2022, DOI: 10.1155/2022/3328734 | 2022 | AIDS |
7 | Binisha R., Rajasekaran P., Kalpana K., Chithrakumarthangaraj T., Ramani U., Irfanbasha S., "Enhancement of V2X Technology with Artificial Intelligence", Proceedings - International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems, ICAISS 2022, ,2022, DOI: 10.1109/ICAISS55157.2022.10010845 | 2022 | AIDS |
8 | M S., "Machine learning and quantum computing for 5G/6G communication networks - A survey", International Journal of Intelligent Networks, 3,2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijin.2022.11.004 | 2022 | AIDS |
9 | Suriya M., Raakesh R., Srikaran R.S., Surya K., Vino P., "Fault Classification in Vehicle Power Transmission using Machine Learning", Journal of Machine and Computing, 2, (3),2022, DOI: 10.53759/7669/jmc202202014 | 2022 | AIDS |
S.No | Title of the Project | Names of the Principal Invigilators | Date of Issuing Sanction Order | Department | Duration | Amount of Seed Money Sanctioned (Rs.) |
1 | Al based Waste Management Monitoring System using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Geoinformatics Mapping Technology | Dr.H.Anandakumar, Prof Dr.R.Babitha Lincy,AP Ms.M.Suriya, AP Ms.Minu Balakrishnan, AP | 04-10-2023 | AI&DS | 2023-2024 | 239,232 |
2 | Traffic Regulation system using Neuro Mission | Dr. G. Sathish Kumar, ASP, Dr. Mohaideen Abdhul Kadhar, Prof Dr. N. Muthukumaran, Prof | 04-10-2023 | AI&DS | 2023-2024 | 200,000 |
Total | 439,232 |
S.NO | ACY | Department | Patent Application Number | Status of Patent (Published / Granted/Filed) | Inventor/s Name | Title of the Patent | Applicant/s Name | Patent Filed Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Published Date / Granted Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Publication Number / Granted Number |
1 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202341087446 | Published | Dr.M.P.Geetha Dr.V.Karunakaran | MULTIMODAL APPROACH FOR EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT VOICE ASSISTANT SYSTEM FOR HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 21/12/2023 | 12/1/2024 | 02/2024 |
2 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202341087473 | Published | Ms. Gowri S Mr.Naveen Kumar S Mr.Sanjai L Mr.Sri Arun M | VISIONARY GLUCOMETER FOR DIABETES PATIENTS | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 21/12/2023 | 12/1/2024 | 02/2024 |
3 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202341087476 | Published | Ms. Gowri S Mr. Naveen Kumar S Mr. Sanjai L Mr. Pagalavan M Ms. Madumitha S | YOLO TRASHNET: GARBAGE DETECTION BY CCTV | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 21/12/2023 | 12/1/2024 | 02/2024 |
4 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202341088667 | Published | Dr.M.Thenmozhi Mr.P.R.Rohit Kanna Mr.S.Abishake Mr.D.Sajan Chakravarthy | CHATMASTER USING DJANGO | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 26/12/2023 | 19/01/2024 | 03/2024 |
5 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202341089707 | Published | Dr.M.Thenmozhi Dr.S.Sumathi Ms.S.B.Nesha Ms.P.Rajshree | BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING CHATBOT | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 29/12/2023 | 19/01/2024 | 03/2024 |
6 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202341089936 | Published | Dr.K.Mohaideen Abdul Kadhar Dr.M.Thenmozhi Dr.N.Muthukumaran | CONTACTLESS SMART TEACHING BOARD | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 29/12/2023 | 23/02/2024 | 08/2024 |
7 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202441015656 | Published | Dr.AR.Sivakumaran Ms.Poovizhi P Ms.Parvathy K Dr.Aby K Thomas, A | IOT-INTEGRATED BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM FOR REAL-TIME HEALTH MONITORING AND ANALYTICS | 1)Dr.AR.Sivakumaran 2)Ms.Poovizhi P 3)Ms.Parvathy K 4)Dr.Aby K Thomas, A | 02/03/2024 | 22/03/2024 | 12/2024 |
8 | 2024-2025 | AI&DS | 202441079499 | Published | Dr.M.P.Geetha Dr.V.Karunakaran | Context-Aware Ar Navigation With Object Recognition | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 18-Oct-2024 | 25-Oct-2024 | 43/2024 |
9 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441096768 | Published | Dr. Kanimozhi T Mr. Harish R Mr. Chandramuhilan M Mr. Arun R | Real-Time Isl Translation And Ar-Assisted Communication System For Deaf And Mute Accessibility And Safety | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
10 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441096769 | Published | Dr.Sujithra L R Dr.S.Vimal Vaimitra S | Ar Learning Hub | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
11 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441096771 | Published | Dr.M.Thenmozhi Ms.G.Sindhuja Ms.G.Shubigsha Mr.V.Dhinakar | Leveraging Ensemble Learning And Lexicon Analysis For Climate Change Tweet Classification | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
12 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441096772 | Published | Mrs. M. Sowmiya Mageshwaran P Dharshini Mv Mahima Tejeshwini R | Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation With Patient Assistance | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
13 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441096773 | Published | Ms. Sowmiya M Dr.Kanimozhi T Ms.Mahashri A Ms.Vinotha K | Advanced Ai-Integrated Sensing System For Precise Rescue Operation | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
14 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441094092 | Published | Dr.M.Nivaashini D.S.Kavin Shankar M.Saravanakumar K.K.Ravi Shankar | Signsense-Ai Powered Sign Language Translator For Deaf | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
16 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441094093 | Published | Ms R.Geetha Rajakumari Ms.Sruthy Suji Ms.V.Vibisha Mr.S.Sri Suriya | Green Horizon: Urban Gardening System With Ai-Driven Plant Care And Growth Analysis | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
17 | 2024-2025 | AIDS | 202441094089 | Published | Dr.T.Kanimozhi Dr.S.Vimal Ms.P.Atharsha Mr.A.Irfan Khan | Safelens – A Privacy Protection System | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 30-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 50/2024 |
Design Grant | ||||||||||
1 | 2023-2024 | AIDS | 426231-001 | Design Granted | Dr. Dhiyanesh B Dr. Priya V Dr. Sujithra L R Ms. Saraswathi P Ms. Divya K Ms. Sindhu V | IOT BASED WEATHER MONITORING DEVICE | Dr. Dhiyanesh B Dr. Priya V Dr. Sujithra L R Ms. Saraswathi P Ms. Divya K Ms. Sindhu V | 8-Aug-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 47/2024 |
2 | 2023-2024 | AIDS | 426231-001 | Design Granted | Dr. Dhiyanesh B Dr. Priya V Dr. Sujithra L R Ms. Saraswathi P Ms. Divya K Ms. Sindhu V | IOT BASED WEATHER MONITORING DEVICE | Dr. Dhiyanesh B Dr. Priya V Dr. Sujithra L R Ms. Saraswathi P Ms. Divya K Ms. Sindhu V | 8-Aug-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 47/2024 |
SI No | ACY Year | Department | Patent Application Number | Status of Patent (Published / Granted/Filed) | Inventor/s Name | Title of the Patent | Applicant/s Name | Patent Filed Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Published Date / Granted Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Publication Number / Granted Number |
1 | 2022-2023 | AI&DS | 202341011361 | Published | 1)S.Rajalakshmi 2)S.Madumitha 3)L.Sanjai 4)M.Pagalavan 5)S.Naveen Kumar | Food Demand Forecasting Using Machine Learning | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 20/02/2023 | 17/03/2023 | 11/2023 |
2 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 202341040966 | Published | 1)S.Balamurugan 2)Dr.Seema Tinker 3)Dr.Om Prakash 4)Laxmi Poonia 5)Dr.Amit R Gadekar 6)A.Nithiya 7)Saikumar Tara 8)Dr.A.Asha Banu 9)Mrs.M.Sowmiya 10)Ankur Biswas 11)Dr.Bharati Wukkadada 12)Dr.Suhasini Vijaykumar Kottur | Deep Convolution Neural Networks Model for IoT Based Adaptive Traffic Control System | 1)S.Balamurugan 2)Dr.Seema Tinker 3)Dr.Om Prakash 4)Laxmi Poonia 5)Dr.Amit R Gadekar 6)A.Nithiya 7)Saikumar Tara 8)Dr.A.Asha Banu 9)Mrs.M.Sowmiya 10)Ankur Biswas 11)Dr.Bharati Wukkadada 12)Dr.Suhasini Vijaykumar Kottur | 16/06/2023 | 18/08/2023 | 33/202 |
3 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 388292-001 | Granted | 1.DR. B. DHIYANESH 2. MS. RADHA R 3. MS. GOKILA DEEPA G 4.MS.GOMATHI S | Portable Printer | 1.DR. B. DHIYANESH 2. MS. RADHA R 3. MS. GOKILA DEEPA G MS.GOMATHI S | 06/12/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 35/2023 |
4 | 2023-2024 | AI&DS | 369404-001 | Granted | 1.Prof. Suriya Murugan 2. Dr. M. G. Sumithra | Unmanned Drone for Geographic Mapping of Inaccessible Terrain and Locations | 1.Prof. Suriya Murugan 2. Dr. M. G. Sumithra | 19/08/2022 | 13/10/2023 | 41/2023 |
S.NO | Department | Patent Application Number | Status of Patent (Published / Granted/Filed) | Inventor/s Name | Title of the Patent | Applicant/s Name | Patent Filed Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Published Date / Granted Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Patent Publication Number / Granted Number | Assignee/s Name (Institute Affiliation/s at time of Appication) |
1 | AI&DS | 202241050362 | Published | 1)Dr.S.Sumathi, S 2)Mr.Arunkumar Palanichamy 3)Ms.M.Suriya 4)Ms.S.Gowri 5)Ms.E.Anitha 6)Ms.R.Binisha 7)Ms.S.Rajalakshmi | IoT-driven Smart System for Multi-Food Recommendation using Machine Learning | Sri Eshwar College of Engineering | 9/2/2022 | 9/16/2022 | 37/2022 | 1)Dr.S.Sumathi, S 2)Mr.Arunkumar Palanichamy 3)Ms.M.Suriya 4)Ms.S.Gowri 5)Ms.E.Anitha 6)Ms.R.Binisha 7)Ms.S.Rajalakshmi Sri Eshwar College of Engineering |